Sunday, December 19, 2010

Some Devoxx 2010 talk summaries

Roughly a month ago, I joined a few talks of Devoxx 2010. Couldn't attend all of them, but here is my summarized impression of the things I have seen. A pity that I missed the performance talk from Joshua Bloch and the HTML5 presentation due to too much audience, but I'm sure I can get the info elsewhere as well.

Ajax Library Smack down: Prototype vs. jQuery

Invest time in some library, learn to use. Different styles and focus. Test!

A few things I captured: do use some JavaScript library, it is useful and not really hard to get started. Understand different scopes and styles of the libraries. Some of them, like Dojo and YUI, include a large set of GUI component out of the box, others rather serve as building blocks and provide extension points.

Both prototype and jQuery heavily rely on the usage of the dollar $ sign as special keyword. While prototype has “smaller” focus and Ruby style of syntax, jQuery is more feature rich, employs a different syntax and offers some kind of “plugin” mechanism, with both advantages and disadvantages. Prototype is often combined with for GUI components, while jQuery is usually bundled with jQuery UI. Documentation is pretty good in both projects.

Speaker has nice presentation, giving an quick overview of JavaScript libraries and comparing prototype vs jQuery. Does not clearly identify a “winner”, so you might wonder if you know much more after attending.

Restfulie: quit pretending, use the web for real

It was a very quick talk, sometimes a little chaotic because of the speed and navigation through the slides. The main thing that sticked to my mind, is that the existing JAX-RS API can be improved a a few levels. There should be less duplication of the URL paths, and less boiler plate code. Restfulie shows how this can be achieved. Also included: support for easily switching between different data formats like XML, JSON, ..

Although the presentation itself was not really polished, the referred frameworks and ideas are probably worth further investigation. Have a look into the different REST frameworks, compare their styles and features, and learn different ways to solve similar problems. They agree that Restlet has very similar benefits, both their implementation differs thoroughly.

Scalable and RESTful web applications: Kauri and Lily

This presentation felt like some commercially oriented sales talk and introduction into 3 related products from the local Outerthought consultancy company: Daisy, Kauri and Lili. Some references to REST, CMS, NoSQL storage systems are made, but too bad the talk in the whole did not gave a very coherent and clear message.

The Next Big JVM Language

Stephen offered a nice overview of the current JVM situation, and explains what parts are and are not important for the future JVM language. Many of these ideas are clearly mixed with personal opinions, but nevertheless often making sense. He suggests that programming style, ease of use, compile type checking, support for scripting-like behavior, closures, .. will probably be part of that successor. After eliminating a few candidates, he pitched Scala and Fantom to each other. It felt a little funny that he found Scala probably a little too much, and Fantom too less, and so guessing that neither of them will become the next big JVM language. Adding incompatible changes to the existing Java language was the last idea, but he did not dare to say how that would evolve ..

Nothing from this talk can be used in the immediate future and in most of our daily work, but it doesn’t hurt the reflect about it once in a while.

Vaadin - Rich Web Applications in Java

Reasonable good introduction to the Vaadin web framework, which offers GWT integration. Too bad missed a big part of the presentation. As complete newbie, the main idea I remember, is that Vaadin provides a similar way of programming like GWT, where code is written in Java and not in JavaScript or XML templates. The main difference is that Vaadin runs the code mostly on server side, with tight client side integration with Ajax, where GWT tries to push as much state as possible to the client. GWT shows clearly scaling benefits when some applications has enormous amount of clients, but keeping state on server has the benefit of keeping some thing simpler. Definitely worth a second look when I have more time.

What's New in Scala 2.8?

Bill Venners and Dick Wall briefly discussed and showed some of the new Scala 2.8 features. Luckily, they did not repeat too much of older Scala language syntax and structure. But I still have a mixed feeling about the presentation, mostly because I already read and seen some of the new features in blogs and other online documentation.

Future-proofing collections: from mutable to persistent to parallel

I was a little afraid that Martin Odersky would focus on syntactical updates and changes from the Scala 2.8 release again, but my fear was ungrounded. He clearly explained the benefits of having immutable collection classes, combined with the evolution of multi-core machines and avoiding thread synchronization problems. Scala happens to be the implementation for those “parallel” collections, showing that the theory could be turned into a real language feature. Definitely worth the time, and once more a reason to investigate some time in Scala.

The Future Roadmap of Java EE

Disappointing presentation about upcoming changes for the Java EE platform. Can’t remember any big announcement, nor updates which we are all waiting for. It was more a very brief introduction and pointer to other talks of the conference.

Comparing JVM Web Frameworks

Matt Raible fluently presents his overview and opinions about several current web frameworks. But you can also find a very similar presentation of him from a few years ago, mainly for a PHP and Ruby on Rails public, and I did have the feeling that this talk did not add. Advices and opinions were also rather “soft”, and not helping me much to select the next framework. It was not bad at all, but halfway I chose to run away in the hope to discover something more useful or exiting.

The Essence of Caching

Entering the talk halfway was not ideal, because I felt that I really missed some concepts from the first half. Although I did recognize and understood parts about cache coherency in clustered setup, it was not always clear what the final message was. I had the feeling it was something like “caching is useful, but be careful what you do ..”. And that was not really surprising news IMHO.

Akka: Simpler Scalability, Fault-Tolerance, Concurrency & Remoting through Actors

Followed this talk because it’s linked to Scala Actors, but had the impression I have the exact same talk previous year on Devoxx. Was little hard to image real world applications which would strongly benefit from the Akka framework, though I do agree with the general ideas. I guess we need to setup such high load, multi node cluster first and hit the performance and locking problems using “traditional” methods.

Hadoop and NoSQL at Twitter

Dmitriy Ryaboy works at Twitter and the back end and analytical side, and gives a a brief insight in their different ways of handling the massive parallel workload and high volumes of data. It is mostly a combination of multiple frameworks and tools. Some of them for online services: snowflake, memcache, flockdb, cassandra, rainbird. On the batch processing side: Hadoop, Elephant Bird, HBase, Hive, .. He advices us to have a look at those tools, but keep an open mind that the needs of Twitter might completely different from ours. Which probably is.

Implementing Emergent Design

During this presentation Neil Ford explains why many software projects grind to a halt after a few development cycles. Lack of clear specifications is only one possible problem, but general complexity, combined with the “broken window syndrome” can lead programs to a unmaintainable mess. One of the key concepts is the “technical debt”, defined by Ward Cunningham and the need for constant cleanup and refactoring. Of course it remains rather theoretical, and does not address how to convince upper management to follow “the right path”.

Does dev/ops matter for me?

Again two guys presenting here, rooted in the operations side of IT projects. They explain what happens and goes wrong when high walls are built between the development and operations team, and give advice to tear down those barriers. I strongly agree on those principles, but beside of mixing people from the two sides together, I have learned something really new. Pity.

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