Best thing that we found in a few minutes, using car manufacturers and models as example data:
// setup
Map < String, List > carModels =
Map < String, List
new HashMap < String, List < String > > ();
carModels.put("Mazda", Arrays.asList("MX-5", "RX-8"));
carModels.put("Audi", Arrays.asList("A1", "A4", "A8"));
// actual work in 4 lines
List < String > allModels = new LinkedList < String > ();
for (List < String > brandModels: carModels.values()) {
Now in Scala, back home ..
I took me a little research online, because I never used Scala on a daily basis, and miss a lot of knowledge on the collections API. Luckily it's not too hard to find good pointers online, and the Scala interpreter offers code completion help.
// setup
val carModels = Map("Mazda" -> List("MX-5", "RX-8"),
"Audi" -> List("A1", "A4", "A8"))
// actual work, one liner
val allModels = carModels.values.reduce(_ ++ _)
The end result is actually not terribly hard to understand, but let me break it into pieces before I forget it myself:
carModels.values // easy, similar as in Java
Now we have a collection of lists, and need to put all individual model names into one big list. Explicit looping is one way, but not very elegant. Another way of operating on a list, is using the "reduce" function. In general, you simply need to supply it a function which acts on two arguments, producing a single element.
For example, sum all numbers:
def add(x: Int, y: Int): x + y // define simple 'add' function
List(1, 3, 5).reduce(add) // evaluates to 9
So, this could lead to the following construction (with ++ for joining):
carModels.values.reduce( (models1, models2) => models1 ++ models2)
And thanks to implicit naming using underscores, we can end with:
carModels.values.reduce( _ ++ _ )
I still have to figure out what the difference is between the "++" and ":::" operators to join lists, and have many (!) other things to learn on Scala.
Feedback or corrections are very welcome!